Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heat Wave and Remedies for it

We've had high heat (90's), high humidity (80 to 90), dry conditions (sand, sand), flies, mosquitoes, gnats, etc.

One of our favorite topicals for flies on ears is Burts Bees Hand Salve, but this last crop of biting flies must have liked it, so we had to go to applying SWAT.  Some dogs suffer more than others (Yeti, Yuki), while some seem to not be bothered much at all (Sherpa, Zoom).

For shade we rely on easy to fix tarps strung overhead with bungees.  While it doesn't look so great, it does a good job of creating shade.  Sunflowers provide great shade for Ruby and Yo every summer.

Of course, water, water and more water is necessary.  The water pails and pools are changed once to twice or three times daily.  Yeti loves his pool and kicks all the water out of it, so his needs refilling.

Nick rigged a great solution to beat the temps down... he wired a soaker hose to the top of the pens and it shoots out sprays of nice cold water, cooling the pens down by as much as twenty degrees.

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